Applied Training Solutions, LLC (ATS) is pleased to announce that it was recently awarded the US Army Emergency Management Education and Exercise Evaluation Contract Support Services contract in support of HQ Installation Management Command (IMCOM), Provost Marshal/Protection (PM/P) Directorate, Protection Division, Fort Sam Houston, JBSA, TX.
IMCOM Protection Assessment Programs are multi-agency, multi-jurisdictional, multi-organizational assessments that externally assess the many facets of Army Installation preparedness and the ability to contain a threat, shorten its duration of disruption, and begin recovery operations. ATS will assist in focusing assessments on the training development programs of the installation to help shape implementing and analyzing the plans, policies, procedures, and cooperative agreements developed for Installation readiness and protection capabilities to Prevent, Protect, Mitigate, Respond, and Recover (P2MR2) from all threats and hazards. ATS’s support of the IMCOM assessments program will:
• Directly support the training objectives of each Installation’s multi-year training and exercise program for approximately 63 US Army Military Installations worldwide.
• Allow each Installation to assess performance through development and design of a complex, realistic set of operational challenges that require collective critical thinking, rapid problem solving, and effective responses by trained and qualified teams or groups of professionals.
• Provide real-time feedback to Installation Senior Commanders and Garrison Commanders about mission readiness and P2MR2.
As part of this contract, ATS will assist IMCOM with Mission Assurance Program Management, Knowledge Management, Training Management, and Protection Assessments, which support is critical for the IMCOM Protection Division to conduct an externally evaluated full-scale integrated exercise for a cohort of Installations every three years.
“The Installation Emergency Management environment is unique and requires extensive knowledge and experience in both military operations and civilian disaster response operations. ATS brings that expertise, and we’re excited to continue our a long and highly successful support relationship with IMCOM.” Jason Bewley/President
ATS is a national leader in emergency preparedness training and readiness. ATS is actively engaged with the Department of Defense to provide innovative and cost-effective training solutions to ensure combat readiness in support of current and future operations. ATS also supports federal, state and local agencies to deliver disaster-preparedness exercise solutions that provide the experience to protect communities.
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