ATS News

ATS facilitates VIPER GOLD at USAG with cyber, gate attacks

During Viper Gold 24 at Fort Eisenhower, Ga., held March 6, Applied Training Solutions was the Prime Contractor and led this exercise by providing exercise planning, design, control, support, simulation services, and simulation cell management.

The exercise simulated several cyber-attacks as well as unauthorized personnel attempting to access the base. As part of the scenario, a vehicle was able to run through the gate, ‘crash’ the gym and then an actor of the exercise simulated a mass shooting event.

The purpose of the exercise was to test and evaluate the installation’s ability to identify, respond and recover from man-made external threats against its network infrastructure, facilities, and personnel which caused simulated mass casualties and fatalities.  This exercise also tested the installation’s ability to coordinate with local agencies during response and recovery efforts, while continuing to provide mission assurance and community resilience to the installation.

The ATS team’s dedication, technology and services permitted the members of U.S. Army Garrison (USAG) Fort Eisenhower to train on Installation Management Command core capabilities, testing at least three of their primary training objectives.

These simulated events resulted in the replicated triage, treatment, and evacuation of injured, the initiation of fatality management operations, and neutralization of those responsible.  These actions also compelled the employment of first responder assets, conducting damage assessment operations, countermeasures to prevent network intrusion, and addressing casualty and fatality management operations, among some of the replicated tasks.

Overall, the ATS Design Team provided exercise design, development and scenario planning support for eight months leading up to the exercise, to include the five milestone planning meetings.  ATS supported the exercise with simulated intelligence messaging, the production of simulated social media, simulated network attack screenshots, simulated damage pictures to paint a realistic picture for first responders and led and supported White Cell execution.  They employed various products providing a realistic representation of events, enhancing the execution of the exercise and allowed the installation to effectively test their plans, policies, and procedures at multiple echelons.

As a leader in emergency preparedness, training, and readiness, ATS continues to actively work to deliver innovative, experience-based disaster-preparedness exercises solutions for local, state, and federal agencies to protect communities. 

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