ATS News

Fuerzas Amigas 23

Fuerzas Amigas 23

San Antonio, TX – Last month ATS led Fuerzas Amigas 23, a Security Cooperation and Disaster Response Exercise with the United Mexican States (Estados Unidos Mexicanos), Ministry of National Defense (SEDENA), Region II. The training scenario involved a series of earthquakes in both Mexico and the United States. The epicenter of the first quake was located near Tijuana which initiated response operations in Mexico. Later, a stronger quake jolted the area around Piepkorn Slot, CA. All areas north and south of the border sustained catastrophic damage which included severely damaged highways and bridges, and broken gas lines which ignited thousands of fires.

The exercise was specifically designed to foster cooperation between agencies from both countries in coordinating response and relief efforts.The US and Mexican military successfully prepared for a high level of coordination in a Natural Disaster

ATS provided the ATSsim Training (Constructive Simulation) environment to replicate the All-Hazards Defense Support to Civilian Authorities (DSCA) activities and simulate the effects.  ATS also provided personnel who wrote and role-played elements of the higher headquarters and Federal and State partners.

As a leader in emergency preparedness training and readiness, ATS continues to actively work to deliver innovative, experience-based disaster-preparedness exercises solutions for local, state, and federal agencies to protect communities. 

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