ATS News

ATS supports Ohio National Guard Joint Task Force 16 Collective Training Event Exercise

RAVENNA, OHIO – From August 8 – 11, Applied Training Solutions, LLC (ATS), supported the Ohio National Guard Joint Task Force 16 (JTF-16) Collective Training Event (CTE) on behalf of the National Guard Bureau for JTF Headquarters. The CTE was planned in coordination with JTF-16 to prepare the staff and command for responding to a natural disaster within Ohio after the staff had been involved with the COVID-19 response during the past year. The commander wanted to conduct deliberate Military Decision Making Process (MDMP) with his staff, ensuring every standard step was completed.  Additionally, he wanted to focus on staff drills, operational tracking of subordinate organizations, and having his staff conduct rapid decision making.

The scenario began on 5 August with weather injects being delivered through ATSsim to the staff at Camp James A. Garfield.  The scenario injects developed the picture of severe rain and storms moving from west to east and stalling over the Ohio River valley causing significant flooding.  The scenario was based on the significant flooding and impacts like the 1997 and 2018 flooding on the Ohio River valley.  The three major areas TF-16 had to respond within were: Cincinnati (Hamilton County), Portsmouth (Scioto County), and Ironton (Lawrence County).  Over the course of the exercise, JTF-16 responded to twelve requests for assistance ranging from high water evacuation to evacuating an assisted living care center.   They also executed eleven serious incident requests which enabled the staff to exercise their operational and staff drills.

ATSsim was also used to replicate subordinate units down to the individual vehicle level.  ATS Modeling and Simulation Engineers were able to integrate ATSsim with JTF-16’s Common Operating Picture (COP) tool.  JTF-16 used DAART (DOMOPS Awareness and Assessment Tool) as their COP tool to ensure shared situational awareness.  By using ATSsim to stimulate DAART, JTF-16 could track their mission to support flood recovery efforts in real time.  Furthermore, ATSsim allowed for the production and tracking of resources for the JTF.  The simulators provided updated personnel, logistics, and communication reports daily through the software.  ATSsim’s Master Scenario Event List (MESL) tool allowed for delivery of injects prior to Start of Exercise and allowed the JTF staff to utilize their own systems of record for email and other communications. ATSsim was extremely effective in allowing JTF-16 to conduct a command post exercise with the most realistic inputs and effects.

The CTE for JTF-16 was a resounding success.  JTF-16 command and staff were extremely pleased that Team ATS was able to meet all the training objectives. Additionally, a Hungarian Defense Force (HDF) delegation visited the exercise on 11 August 22.  They consisted of members from the HDF J3 section who are working with the Ohio National Guard to develop a flood scenario domestic response exercise within Hungary.  Hungary is the Ohio National Guard’s State Partner Program country.  ATS staff had the opportunity to demonstrate their exercise design capabilities and ATSsim to the HDF delegation.

“As a leader in emergency preparedness training and readiness, ATS continues to actively work to deliver innovative, experience-based disaster-preparedness exercises solutions for local, state, and federal agencies to protect communities. 

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